Professor Mike Hannay

RPS Assembly PharmSci Member

Current Occupation: Managing Director, East Midlands Academic Health Science


Mike has over 25 years’ experience of the pharmaceutical industry, with an excellent track record of building collaboration with healthcare and academia.

He joined the East Midlands AHSN in July 2016 from ThermoFisher Scientific, where he had worked since 2013 as Vice President for the UK BioPharma Services Division. That role built upon his significant experience both nationally and internationally, including Vice President of Medicines Development at AstraZeneca. The East Midlands AHSN – along with England’s 14 other AHSNs – were relicensed in 2018 to operate as the key innovation arm of the NHS. 

As East Midlands Managing Director Mike leads the organisation in helping to address some of the biggest health challenges facing the region. 

In addition to his East Midlands role, Mike is a leading member of the AHSN Network – the collaboration of England’s 15 AHSNs – serving as Network Chair during 2018 and currently as national lead for economic growth.