Using the e-Library on your mobile


Proquest e-Book Central e-books

Whilst some e-book formats automatically resize on mobile devices, many don’t. If your book doesn’t resize, there are two options for reading on your mobile.

Option 1

Open the online reader menu and use the zoom buttons to increase text size.

Mobile use 01
Option 2

Click on the Download Book tab underneath an e-book and you'll be prompted to install Adobe Digital Editions for offline reading (you'll also need to set up an Adobe ‘pass’ account the first time you use the reader). 

Please note that you will not be able to download e-books if we only have one copy.  If you think we should purchase more copies of a particular title, please do let us know.

Then, choose your device, press I’m using my own computer and Continue.

Mobile use 02

When prompted to install an e-book reader, press Done with this step, as you should have already installed Adobe Digital Editions.

Mobile use 03

Choose loan duration and file format (if you have the option to do so) and click Download Your Book

Your browser should show your downloaded book. To read it, press Open.

Stat/Ref TDS Health e-books

Stat/Ref TDS Health e-books should resize automatically on your mobile.

RPS databases

Likewise, our databases have device detection software which adjusts the interface automatically according to the device being used.