
RPS England Board meeting - October update

RPS England Board Chair Sandra Gidley comments on key outcomes

RPS England Board Chair Sandra Gidley comments on key outcomes from the October Board meeting:

“The Board had a constructive discussion with Ed Waller from NHS England on the NHS Long-Term Plan and the vital role that pharmacy will play in delivering a sustainable health service. We also underlined the importance of pharmacists being able to help shape emerging models of care, such as Primary Care Networks. It was an engaging conversation and we look forward to working with Ed further.

“Our new Director for Education updated the Board on the important work at RPS on Foundation and the continued development of pharmacists throughout their career.

“The new RPS Regional Liaison Pharmacists updated us about the first stage of their work in helping local pharmacy leaders engage with a changing NHS. We know that all health profession struggle to reach STPs and the evolving NHS structures and this is an ongoing challenge. Ensuring pharmacists can contribute their expertise to local system leadership will be vital in promoting patient safety and integrating health services.

“We had a positive discussion with the new Chair of the Hospital Expert Advisory Group and we look forward to working with them more closely over the coming year. The importance of engaging with the whole of the RPS membership was a recurring theme over both days and the Board reaffirmed our commitment to supporting all sectors of the profession.”


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