
RPS responds to news HRT could be available at pharmacies

The MHRA has launched a public consultation on a set of proposals to make Gina 10 mcg tablets available from pharmacies. HRT could be made available at pharmacies. 

Thorrun Govind, Chair of RPS in England, said: “We support the possibility that HRT could be made available through an NHS pharmacy service and welcome any moves to support women’s health.

“Pharmacists are well placed to offer this support. However, we want to make sure this expertise is utilised properly and is therefore only offered by pharmacists and not on general sale. 

“This would be a welcome step, but the Government must go further to tackle the health inequalities experienced by women across Great Britain.”

RPS will respond to the MHRA consultation which closes on 23 Februrary.

Watch Thorrun on BBC News on Wednesday, February 2:


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