Race related Microaggressions

Race related Microaggressions are a form of racism.

We've collected some examples of verbal Race related Microaggressions, with an explanation of why these comments or questions can be offensive, insulting or insensitive.

How to recognise Race related Microaggressions

We've collected some examples of verbal Race related Microaggressions, with an explanation of why these comments or questions can be offensive, insulting or insensitive.

Microaggression - Saying Oh, you don't have an accent (signalling the expectation that all people people of colour are all foreign and couldn't have been born in the UK) Microagression - saying Is that your real hair? Can I touch your hair? (signalling that natural black hairstyles are not normal and feeds into the narrative that Caucasian hair is the norm and anything else is abnormal) Microagression - saying What are you wearing underneath that? (signalling that wearing the Hijab is not normal, also crosses very personal boundaries - you wouldn't ask someone if they were wearing underwear) Microagression - saying Does it get hot in that? (an ignorant comment regarding the Hijab and signalling it is not normal to wear feeding into the narrative that western clothes are the norm and anything outside of that is abnormal) Microagression - saying You're not like other Asian people (signalling that Asian people are not like the majority western society but you're like one of us and are OK) Microagression - saying You're not like other Black people (signalling that Black people are not like the majority western society but you're like one of us and are OK) Microagression - saying You're OK for one of them (signalling that them is other an not white and from the UK and therefore expected to be different and odd in some way and they won't normally get on with them) Microagression - saying Your name is hard to pronounce - can we change it to Amanda? (signalling that they do not want to take the time and try to learn how to say your name) Microagression - saying When I see you I don't see colour (signalling that the person doesn't acknowledge your colour or won't hold it against you) Microagression - saying We are all one race - the human race (signalling that your experience as a person of colour is no different from the experience of people of other races) Microagression - saying Where are you from? No where are you really from? (signalling that you will always be an outsider if you're a person of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic descent, even if you were born in this country) Microagression - saying You are so articulate (signalling that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people are not usually capable of competent intellectual conversation) Microagression - saying Why do you sound so white? (signalling that not having an accent from a region outside the UK is the norm and as a person of colour they expect you to have an accent) Microagression - saying Will you have to have an arranged marriage? (an ignorant question assuming everyone from a South Asian background has an arranged marriage) Microagression - saying Are you allowed to drink? (assuming everyone from a South Asian background follows the same religion and all behave the same) Microagression - saying Are your family OK with you having a white boyfriend? (signalling that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups must have relationships within their own communities) Microagression - saying When's the last tune you went home? (signalling that the UK is not your home if you are from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic background) Microagression - saying You're really pretty for a dark person (signalling that black people or people with a darker skin tone are not considered pretty or attractive) Microagression - saying I see your hair is big today! Are you planning to wear it like that to the meeting or whilst working? (signalling that natural Black hairstyles are not professional) Microagression - saying Everyone can succeed in society if they work hard enough (signalling that disparate outcomes for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups result from laziness) Microagression - saying You will know my friend *an individual with similar skin colour* (signalling that every Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic group will know everyone within their own communities) Microagression - Someone showing Ni Hao or Konnichiwa or Annyeong on the street at you (assuming you are of a certain race, that you don't belong, or can't be from this country) Microagression - saying You're bound to be good at maths (assuming all Asians excel in maths or science) Microagression - Noticing that the people introduce themselves to Caucasian staff members but ignore you as a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic staff members (signalling they do not want to interact with you and assuming you may be difficult or don't understand English)

Download our posters

In addition to the behaviour highlighted above, Race related micro-aggressive behaviours can be verbal, non-verbal or environmental.

Download our posters below, on recognising Race related Microaggressions, and examples of Race related Microaggressions.

Race microaggression behaviour poster-001 SMALL Race microaggression speech poster-page-001 SMALL