
Take our survey on member participation

We've opened our survey or you to tell us how you want to take part in and learn about decisions made by us.

This is a core part of the independent review of member participation and communications initiated by RPS in April, led by consultancy Luther Pendragon. Our review will report in Summer 2022 when it will be publicly available for members and stakeholders. It is separate to the Commission into Professional Pharmacy Leadership, which will report at the end of the year.

As well as the survey, we will be asking you to join focus groups to give your opinion on how your participation can be developed and strengthened, and how RPS communications about decisions it has taken on behalf of the profession through its governance boards can be improved. We will also be asking our elected members and key external stakeholders for their views over the coming weeks.

The Luther team will then build a series of recommendations for RPS and develop a corporate communications strategy which will include action plans to enable greater participation.

RPS President Professor Claire Anderson said: “We want to hear from as many of you as possible through our survey to inform how the organisation works with and engages with you, our members.

“We want to ensure you feel informed and empowered to influence decisions around pharmacy policy and the work of the RPS taken by those elected to represent you. We also want to ensure our decision-making processes are open and transparent, and that elected members feel empowered and accountable about decisions taken by the organisation at country Board and Assembly level.  

“Our member participation and communications review will report in the summer. The survey is your chance to tell us what you think, so please take part.”

RPS will publish this review and is committed to making changes based on its recommendations. 

Members who take the survey can enter our prize draw to win £100 John Lewis vouchers. 

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