
RPS England responds to news on state-backed indemnity scheme in general practice

This welcome step should extend to whole of primary care, says Sandra Gidley

Responding on the latest update from the Department of Health regarding a proposed state-backed indemnity scheme in general practice in England, Sandra Gidley, Chair of the English Pharmacy Board, said:

“We know that pharmacists are concerned about the rising cost of clinical negligence and we welcome steps towards making this more affordable for those working in general practice.

“However this should be extended to the whole of primary care, including community pharmacy settings.

“Achieving a transformation in how NHS services are delivered means making the most of all the health and care workforce, and this must include those working in community pharmacy as part of primary care.

“This announcement is a great step forward but the Government must ensure that future policy decisions recognise and enable community pharmacists’ potential to support GPs and the wider NHS to deliver effective and accessible care for patients."

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