RPS Annual Conference 2023: Abstract Judging Criteria

This judging grid is used in the assessment of all abstracts submitted to the RPS Annual Conference 2023.

The judging criteria are adapted from a number of internationally recognised sources and based on best practice experience. 

The deadline for abstract submissions is Midday, Monday 5 June 2023.





Relevance and novelty

Is the work relevant to pharmacy? 

The work is not relevant 

The work is partly relevant 

The work is fully or largely relevant 

Is the work novel? 

Similar work has been conducted previously 

Similar work has been conducted previously but the setting, population and/or methods used are different. 

The work appears novel and original 


Does the title accurately reflect the study reported? 

The title does not reflect the focus or design of the study 

The title somewhat reflects the focus and design of the study 

The title clearly reflects the focus and design of the study 


Does the introduction clearly explain the rationale and significance of the study? 

The rationale and significance of the study are not explained  

The rationale and significance of the study are only partly explained and/or lack clarity 

The rationale and significance of the study are clearly explained 

Is the research aim clearly stated? 

The research aim is not stated 

The research aim is stated but lacks clarity 

The research aim is clearly stated 

Design and methods

Is the design appropriate? 

The design is not appropriate to the research aim 

The design appears appropriate to the research aim, though other methods may have been more suitable. 

The design is entirely appropriate to the research aim 

Is the method clearly described? 

The method is not clearly described 

The method is described but lacks clarity 

The method is clearly described 


Does the work include data or findings which address the aims of the study? 

The data or findings do not address the aims of the study 

The data or findings partly address the aims of the study 

The data or findings fully or largely address the aims of the study 

Are the results fully and clearly presented? 

There are major omissions and a lack of clarity in the results 

There are some omissions or lack of clarity in the results 

The results are fully and clearly presented 


Does the discussion reflect the findings and limitations? 

The discussion does not reflect the findings or limitations 

The discussion partly reflects the findings and limitations 

The discussion fully or largely reflects the findings and limitations 

Are the importance of the findings and their implications clearly stated? 

The importance of the findings and their implications are not discussed 

The findings are alluded to but their importance and implications are not discussed within a wider perspective 

The importance of the findings and their implications are discussed and clearly outlined 

  Total score is out of 22.