General Election 2024

Ballot box decorated with Union Jack

The voice of pharmacy during the general election

We are at a critical time for our health service, with a focus on patient safety, recurring medicines shortages, advances in technology, and growing pressures on the workforce.

Against this backdrop, the next Government will face some key challenges to support patients and the NHS in 2024 and beyond.


Darllenwch ein maniffesto yn y Gymraeg / Download our Election Manifesto in Welsh

What we're calling for

Our top pharmacy issues for the general election

Download and share one (or more!) of our election issue cards below to show your support for an issue (they're all optimised for sharing on social media).

  • How can members help?
    + EXPAND

    While the date of the election is yet to be announced, Prospective Parliamentary Candidates (PPCs) in many local constituencies have already been selected by political parties. As they campaign to win their constituents’ votes, you can help ensure that election candidates better understand and recognise the vital role that pharmacists play in supporting people’s health.

    1. Find out who your MP and local constituency candidates are, send them a copy of our general election manifesto, and ask them to show their support for the profession
    2. Ask candidates to voice their support for pharmacy on social media using the hashtag #VotePharmacy
    3. Invite candidates to see where you work, take a photo, and show them first-hand how pharmacists make a real difference to their constituents’ health
    4. Share our manifesto asks on social media, using the graphics on this page.
  • What is the RPS general election manifesto?
    + EXPAND

    A four-page booklet aimed at general election candidates which includes:

    1. A pledge to support pharmacy, which can also be printed for candidates to physically sign.
    2. Key issues for the next Government.
    3. An infographic on the value of pharmacists’ expertise.
    4. Tips on how candidates can show their support, as well as additional background information.

    You can download it from the RPS website or email a link to candidates directly.

  • Should you check with your employer?
    + EXPAND

    Yes. You should check with your employer if you are planning on contacting election candidates or inviting them to visit your workplace and this may be included in the conditions of your employment. Your employer or head office may also be able to offer further advice and support.

  • Should you let other pharmacists in the area know?
    + EXPAND

    Yes. If you are interested in arranging visits for candidates, let your RPS Regional Ambassador and Local Pharmaceutical Committee know as well.

  • How do you find your local election candidates?
    + EXPAND

    Many parties are still trying to select their candidates in some constituencies, but your local elections office, run by the local authority, will publish a list of all candidates standing for election in your area.

    Websites such as can list your local candidates. If you want them to visit your pharmacy, you should enter that postcode rather than where you live.

    More information is available from the Electoral Commission.

  • What can you email election candidates?
    + EXPAND

    Try to keep it short to help candidates and their team read it quickly. A sample email is below but you should adapt it to make it more personal:

    Dear [candidate name],

    I am a pharmacist at [place of work] in [location] and am contacting you and the other general election candidates to ask you to show your support for pharmacists in [constituency name] during the coming weeks.

    I wanted to draw your attention to a new publication, “Pharmacy Matters, which has more information about the pharmacy profession’s prescription for the nation’s health and the NHS.

    If you wanted to visit me at work during the campaign to see first-hand how pharmacists make a real difference to constituents’ health, I would be happy to help arrange this. You can also show your support online using the hashtag #VotePharmacy.

    Yours sincerely,

  • Any questions or feedback?
    + EXPAND

    If you have any questions or feedback, please email the team at [email protected]